Friday 4 November 2011

Analysis for Kerrang

  • The company that produces the rock magazine 'Kerrang' is Bauer Consumer Media in the UK.
  • The target audience for this magazine is 16-25 year olds. The main target audience are rock fans as this is a rock magazine.
  • The price for this magazine is £2.20. This price is appropriate as this will appeal to the target audience which will be student or young workers.
  • The magazine is published weekly.
  • The total circulation sales for Kerrang magazine is 52, 272 within the UK and The Republic Of Ireland
  • The approximate monthly revenue streams from advertising is... 


  •  The magazine is called 'KERRANG' which is the sound electric guitars make. This connotes that the magazine is aimed at people who play the electric guitar or listen to heavy metal music.
  • The masthead/title logo says 'KERRANG' and the font used has jagged sides which gives it an electric tone or feeling. The masthead/title logo also has straight white lines going through it giving it a smashed effect which further implies the heavy metal value. 
  • The Main image is a man dressed up in a clown mask, a red jump suit and black leather gloves. You can tell he is wearing a mask and not just painted his face because some facial features like hi eyebrows and cheeks are exaggerated and look plastic. Also his eyes are black which shows his face is covered. The facial expression of the clown is happy/excited as both eyebrows are raised and he also has a big cheeky smile. The clown's direction of gaze and body language is facing forward towards the reader which shows interaction to the reader. Also ht is standing up straight with his legs together which makes it look like he is watching the reader.
  • Across the top are small images of rock bands. This attracts their target customers because it shows that posters of their favorite bands and artists are available inside the magazine. There is also an image of a motorhead wine bottle. These images review and introduce new or old bands and are shown inside the magazine as well. 

  •  'KERRANG' magazines consist of 63 pages in which 19 of these pages are adverts. The categories in which these adverts are ut into are: Gaming, Tickets, CD/DVD, Fragrance and Cothing.
  • The adverts in the magazine are mostly music based such as Gig Tickets and products promoted by well known bands. This is to ensure that the target audience are interested in the adverts because they are promoted by their favorite bands, making it more likely for them to spend money. 
  • Within the magazine there are 14 double page spreads. The content of each double page spread varies, and have different topics covered on each. The first double page spread is used to advertise a new game for xbox in which it shoes the xbox logo and a car across the double page. This is then followed by numerous other double page spreads which talk about different rock artists, some of the things they have quoted in interviews, information about themselves and what they have been recently getting up to. This covers at least 3 double pages spreads but a different artist is being talked about on each. This is then followed by another 3 double page spread based on live reviews from their live shows. This talks about the way in which the artists performed, where they performed and if their performance was good or bad. It then goes on to talk about 'SlipKnot' who is also the main image on the front cover of the magazine. this includes 3 double page spreads based on the same topic it talks about how 'SlipKnot' came about, a story about it and also a mini interview of one of the members.

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