Monday 7 November 2011

Vibe Analysis


VIBE chronicles the celebrities, sounds, fashion, lifestyle, new media, and business born from urban music. As an authoritative voice, VIBE creates trends as much as it records them. It covers music, educates its readers, and gives back to the community. VIBE serves as a portal to a growing young, trendsetting, multicultural audience. As excellent journalists and innovative marketers, VIBE is the voice of urban music and culture. VIBE provides a democratic digital experience where users are encouraged to provide content. At VIBE print and online will seamlessly relate. 
Taken from:


The front cover consists of the masthead/title logo 'VIBE'. The main image of a famous artist 'Lil Wayne'. His facial expression is serious while his body language seems proud as he is holding his head up high. His direction of gaze is not shown as he is wearing shades. The shades accompanied with the slanted hat on his head and body language portrays him as a 'cool' looked up to figure. The cover is very simple as there are only eight cover lines and one image but the image implies the typical R&B vibe as there is jewellery and gold displayed to present the artist as wealthy. This implies that the target audience will be people who aspire to look wealthy and show off thorough clothing.  

This Magazine cover is very different from 'Kerrang' which has numerous images. Also 'Vibe' is quite simple in many aspects such as; the house style, colours and text. The text is white and black, very simple and has no effects while the back ground is a gradient of white to grey.
    On the other hand the masthead/title logo of 'KERRANG' has a smashed effect to illustrate the heavy metal culture. There are a wide range of colours used such as
red, blue, light blue, yellow, white and black.

The cover lines promote famous Hip-Hop/R&B artists and other entertainers in this genre such as: Weezy (who is the main image of the magazine), Tupac (a Hip-Hop/R&B legend), George LucasChris Rock (comedian). These featured people are all typed in BOLD CAPS to catch the eyes of the target audience who are interested in music and celebrity life. (film director) and

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