Friday 23 March 2012

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my target audience I selected and used an appropriate house style and genre for my product. I was able to come to my decisions through the research I did into excising products. The genre also helped me to determine the content of my product which helped to connect with and attract my target audience.

Music my target audience would listen to.

These are some examples of songs my target audience would be in to.

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience would be people between the ages 16-30 who are into RnB, Hip-Hop and Rap.

According to information from UK Tribes, 'Blingers' like to spend money and enjoy having expensive items of clothing. They like big brands and are materialistic, so here is some examples of items of clothing 'Blingers' might be wearing.

My target audience like to go to raves and like to be in the lime light. At home they would use the internet for social networks such as 'Twitter' and 'Facebook' in order to stay updated on what is happening with their friends. The television would be used to watch and listen to music on channels such as 'MTV Base', 'Kiss' and 'Channel AKA'. Another main use for the television would be to play video games online with friends. The consoles my target audience would own are: PS3 (Play Station 3) and XBOX 360.

Original Photos before being Edited.

These are the photos used throughout my music magazine. They all imply the genre of the magazine and portray who the target audience is by the way they are dressed. They are dresse like 'Blingers' who like to spend money and show off their bands and some of these brands are shown through the pictures. For example: Adidas, G-star raw, Nike and Moncler.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Music Magazine - Target audience

The target audience for my music magazine are young people between the ages of 16 and 30 who enjoy listening  to R&B, Hip-Hop and also Rap music.
UK Tribes is 'commissioned by Channel 4, created by Crowd DNA - takes you to the heart of young Britain.' According to UK tribes my target audience are a group of people called 'Blingers'. They have icons such as Jay-Z, Beyonce and Chris Brown which are people who make music of the same genre as my magazine. They are also fond expensive brands like 'Nike', 'Adidas' and 'Prada' so they like to spend a lot of money. Other social groups closely related to 'Blingers' are 'Urban', 'Get Paid Crew', 'DIYers' and 'Trackies'.
Here is more information on Blingers: Blingers UK Tribes.

Monday 5 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Media institutions that would be interested in my  media product and distribute it could be the ones that have existing magazines on the market of the same genre of mine (RnB, Hip-Hop and Rap). 
Alternatively it is possible for media institutions which do music magazines in other genres to be interested in mine because they may want to branch out to a variety of target audiences. 

Bauer Media is a media institution and I think they would distribute my media product because according to the list of their existing magazines, they are the owners of 'Q magazine' which is of similar genre to my product. They also have other magazines such as 'KERRANG' which is a rock magazine and 'Empire' which is a magazine focused on the film industry. These magazines are all aimed at the male target audience which is the same target audience as my product. The list of Bauer Media's Brands show that they only have one magazine which covers the same genre as my product but on othere categories they have more than one. 

These are a collection of magazines produced by 'Bauer Media' and 'IPC Media' but I have also placed my media product with them to illustrate how it would fit in amongst the music magazine market.There are some similarities like the colours Red White and Blue are used a lot and the background is not a dark colour. Also the main image is taken at medium close up - close up range. There are also some differences which is a good thing because each magazine needs to be unique to attract customers.

IPC (International Publishing Corporation) Media produces over 60 iconic media brands, with print alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 42% of UK men – almost 26 million UK adults – while our websites collectively reach over 20 million users every month. 
IPC might be interested in distributing my media product because their website tells me that they only produce two music magazines which are different genre from mine. They are the owners of 'NME' and 'Uncut'. Also their audience is two thirds of women and 42% men in the UK and since my magazine is aimed at a male audience, it would help them increase the percentage of men.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social group?
My magazine represents a particular social group through the name of the magazine, main image and the artists featured. It is aimed at young people around the age of 16-27 who are into Rap and RnB music and this is represented in the main image. The person who is the main image looks between this age range and it is possible to interpret his dress code and associate it with rap music because he is wearing the stereotype woolly hat. He is also wearing big head phones which obviously is associated with music. The magazine is also aimed at a male audience hence the male model. During research I found that most magazines of this genre usually have their main image taken at a medium close up or a close up shot, so I applied this to my own magazine so it fits in perfectly.

I used a few magazines to find out what type of clothing my model should wear for my front page shoot. I saw that on some rap magazines, the main image was wearing the typical street look (woolly hat and a hoody/jacket) where as others mad this look a bit more classy with a cap and either a nice jacket or just a tank top. I chose to have my model portray the typical street look because it would connect with the target audience and attract them to buy the magazine for they can relate to the dress code.