Thursday 1 March 2012

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social group?
My magazine represents a particular social group through the name of the magazine, main image and the artists featured. It is aimed at young people around the age of 16-27 who are into Rap and RnB music and this is represented in the main image. The person who is the main image looks between this age range and it is possible to interpret his dress code and associate it with rap music because he is wearing the stereotype woolly hat. He is also wearing big head phones which obviously is associated with music. The magazine is also aimed at a male audience hence the male model. During research I found that most magazines of this genre usually have their main image taken at a medium close up or a close up shot, so I applied this to my own magazine so it fits in perfectly.

I used a few magazines to find out what type of clothing my model should wear for my front page shoot. I saw that on some rap magazines, the main image was wearing the typical street look (woolly hat and a hoody/jacket) where as others mad this look a bit more classy with a cap and either a nice jacket or just a tank top. I chose to have my model portray the typical street look because it would connect with the target audience and attract them to buy the magazine for they can relate to the dress code.

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