Wednesday 29 February 2012

Evaluation Question 1 part2

The content page of my media product challenges forms and conventions of real media products via the layout of the page and the language used. On the top right of my media product content page, it has the name of the magazine 'MIXTAPE' writen there and also underneath it, it says 'Content' so the reader is awear of the page. This idea was inspired by an issue of Vibe magazine during research as they also used this convention.

 The layout of my contents page also challenges forms and conventions of medi products because of the layout.

As you can see between the 'MIXTAPE' content and 'NME' content there are some similarities and features shared. First of all there is an index of featured people in the magazine. This helps to attract the target audience and is usually a strip along the side of the content page, with a list of famous names. Another similarity is that there are two pictures in the middle to give the reader a preview of what to expect inside. The headlines and features also gives a preview of what is inside the magazine and these elements contribute to attracting the target audience. 

There is a noticable inprovement from my priliminary tast content page to my music magazine content because through out the time I have increased my understanding of photoshop and the tools.
In my preliminary task I did not make use of 'drop shadows' or 'inner shadows' so the pictures and font lacked any effect. Between my preliminary task and music magazine, I did a lot more research in to existing magazines and their layouts which is why my preliminary task has no separators to separate the different sections. This may confuse the reader. The music magazine has separators and looks more neat and tidy compared to my preliminary task. In my music magazine I used more than one model who I made wear completely different outfits to increase variety. The outfits portrayed show the different sides to Rap and RnB music as one picture portrays the street look while the other is a smart casual and luxurious look. In my preliminary task there was repetition.

 The double page spread for 'MIXTAPE' magazine has a lot of elements which challenge the forms and conventions of real media products.  For example on the bottom left corner of the page it has the page number as well as the magazine logo.
 The font of the page number used is simple so it is easy to read and the colour is made white within a black square so it stands out as well as being easy to read.

During research for the layout and planning of my double page spread, i found that on most double page spreads by magazines such as 'Q' and 'NME' the article was split into two halves.Half of the article is an image of the subject while the other half is left for the text. So i portrayed this convention onto my product so it would fit in with excisting products. Also as you can see on the NME article, a kind of scrapy font  is used which drew my attention so i used a similar font in my article.

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