Tuesday 28 February 2012

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My music magazine front cover can relate to existing music magazines because of the layout and the main image. Here I have an example of an existing vibe magazine cover which has similarities with my magazine front cover.  

The masthead of both magazines are placed behind the main image. I did this to show the importance of the image but made it so it is still easy to make out what the word says. There are headlines either side of the main image on the vibe magazine front cover. I also did so because during research I realized that most magazines have this type of layout.

The image of both magazine front covers are male, are smiling with their head slightly tilted up. The emotion they portray is enjoyment which would make customers feel they will enjoy the content of the magazine. Also the image on the mixtape magazine has his jacket unzipped while the image on the vibe magazine has his shirt unbuttoned at the top. This illustrates comfort to the customer. The position of their head (slightly tilted up) shows that they are proud or confident as well as being happiness and enjoyment.

The reason why the image on my front cover is male is because the genre of my magazine is Rap, Hip-Hop and RnB. Most of the audience for these genres are male. This is the circulation of existing magazines which are aimed at a male audience.

Mojo                 ( Bauer Consumer Media ) :    87,555 ;   -7.5% 
Q                      ( Bauer Consumer Media ) :    77,522 ;  -12.1% 
Classic Rock    ( Future Publishing Ltd ) :        62,354 ;  -7.9% 
Uncut               ( IPC Media Ltd ) :                   62,305 ;   -14.2% 
Kerrang!          ( Bauer Consumer Media ) :    42,077 ;   -2.1% 
Metal Hammer ( Future Publishing Ltd ) :       35,259 ;   -15.7% 
NME                (IPC Media Ltd ) :                    27,650 ;   -14.0% 

My magazine suggests its genre by the name 'Mixtape' because mixtapes are normally associated with Rap and Hip-Hop.  
Definition : A mixtape or mixed tape is a compilation of songs recorded in a specific order, traditionally onto a compact audio cassette.
Also the featured artists states on the front cover  are known for either their Rap or RnB music.

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