Tuesday 7 February 2012

Researching double page spreads

This is an existing double page spread from 'Q Magazine' which as some good design elements. The first thing is that half of the double page spread is dedicated to the image or picture of 50 Cent so the remaining half is left for the text.  
Also a quote was taken away from the rest of the text and put on the other side of the double page spread, where the image is. "Getting shot didn't hurt as much as you'd think." This might be done to draw the attention of readers to that quote when they may be flicking through the magazine. The quote may interest the reader making them read on.
This is the text side of the double page spread. Again this page is divided into two. The top half is the title which is made big and is also a question 'Who the hell does 50 CENT think he is?' This would make the reader want to find out the answer to the question, therefore  continuing to read the main text below. The main text below has two drop caps, one in the beginning of each column. This is one of the design elements of the magazine. Another design element is in the bottom left corner of the page. The pages each have the 'Q' logo of the magazine and also most pages have a three digit number at the bottom of the page. For example page twenty seven would be '027' and page one hundred and one would be '101'.


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