Monday 5 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Media institutions that would be interested in my  media product and distribute it could be the ones that have existing magazines on the market of the same genre of mine (RnB, Hip-Hop and Rap). 
Alternatively it is possible for media institutions which do music magazines in other genres to be interested in mine because they may want to branch out to a variety of target audiences. 

Bauer Media is a media institution and I think they would distribute my media product because according to the list of their existing magazines, they are the owners of 'Q magazine' which is of similar genre to my product. They also have other magazines such as 'KERRANG' which is a rock magazine and 'Empire' which is a magazine focused on the film industry. These magazines are all aimed at the male target audience which is the same target audience as my product. The list of Bauer Media's Brands show that they only have one magazine which covers the same genre as my product but on othere categories they have more than one. 

These are a collection of magazines produced by 'Bauer Media' and 'IPC Media' but I have also placed my media product with them to illustrate how it would fit in amongst the music magazine market.There are some similarities like the colours Red White and Blue are used a lot and the background is not a dark colour. Also the main image is taken at medium close up - close up range. There are also some differences which is a good thing because each magazine needs to be unique to attract customers.

IPC (International Publishing Corporation) Media produces over 60 iconic media brands, with print alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 42% of UK men – almost 26 million UK adults – while our websites collectively reach over 20 million users every month. 
IPC might be interested in distributing my media product because their website tells me that they only produce two music magazines which are different genre from mine. They are the owners of 'NME' and 'Uncut'. Also their audience is two thirds of women and 42% men in the UK and since my magazine is aimed at a male audience, it would help them increase the percentage of men.

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