Tuesday 17 January 2012

Front page & Content so far

This is a screen grab of my music magazine front cover and content page so far. It is obviously unfinished and alot of work is still to be done but the class did a peer assesment activity where we all moved around and wrote comments on what we like and dislike about each others magazine front page and content page.
Three people looked at my work and this is what they said.

Person1 said, 'The title stands out very well and merges in with the background, however when adding your image you may have to shorten the length of effects. I think the font may be too big, I think it would be better for you to reduce the text and add more cover lines. I like the bottom half of your magazine, it sticks well with the color scheme. Your content page is not finished.'
Person2 said, 'I like the font and gradient background, and main coverline works well. I dont agree with the 'Cont Ent' on the contents page, try it on one page.
Person3 said, 'Font works well with title. 'Realist' is very effective. Obvious lack of picture. Lots of space above 'Money'. Contents unclear as to what is what. Good colour scheme.
I have taken all this feed back into consideration and will take the advice when editing and improving the magazine front cover and contents page.

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