Thursday 19 April 2012

Magazine content plan

I planned out what was going to go on my content page by writing out all my ideas on pieces of paper. On this piece of paper I have a list of some featuring artist which I would put in my magazine because they fit the specific genre of music and also will attract my target audience. I also started to make a list of article titles which would be suitable for my magazine. In order to do so I did research into some of the artist i had listed down so i knew what they were up to and could get updated news. For example I came across an interview on one of the fast rising UK rap duos 'Krept and Konan'.

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Comparing my preliminary task to my music magazine, you can see that I have made alot of progress in using the technologies to make a magazine.

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Here is a wall I created using 'Wallwisher' which I have used to help me present all the technologies I used during the processes of planning and constructing my final product. 

PHOTOSHOP CS4 - Out of all the technologies which I have used to create my magazine front page, content page, and double page spread, this was the most important software helping me to make my coursework the highest quality possible. With Photoshop I was able to use existing photographs which I took with my camera and manipulate them in various ways. For example the brightness and contrast, levels and even cutting out parts of a photograph which was not needed. At the beginning of the year I had never used Photoshop before so I used other technologies which I was more familiar with to help me get the grip of Photoshop. YouTube was a big help as I was able to watch videos of experts and follow their step by step guides to using the tools on Photoshop. Photoshop CS4 was the main software used in the making of my front page and content page.

INDESIGN CS4 - At first I thought it would have been easier to use Photoshop for my double page spread as well because InDesign seemed much more complex and harder to use. It later got more comfortable and it was more suitable for the double page spread because it was easier to split the A3 page into columns. The great thing about InDesign is that it was linked to Photoshop so I was able to put a picture on my double page spread, edit it on Photoshop and it would automatically update on InDesign. A difference between InDesign and Photoshop was that on Photoshop, when something new was added to the image or page, it automatically created a new layer, but on InDesign everything was on one layer.

BLOGGER - This was a very useful bit of technology in which I used to post all my work online. Blogger is very good for this job as it is able to keep all posts organised in groups or 'Labels'. This makes it easier for other people on my blog to navigate around it and find what they want to see.

CAMERA - Another important technology I used was my Sony cyber shot camera. It is 7.2 megapixel which is not the greatest but it helped me do a nice job. The reason  it helped a lot is because it is not complicated to use at all and it is small and portable. The only problem I had while taking photographs sometimes was the lighting. I found that for the camera to capture good images, there had to be a lot of light in the area otherwise the picture would come out dark or dull. Some of these lighting problems were fixed using Photoshop.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

DPS flat plan

This is my double page flat plan which I came up with using inspiration from 'Q Magazine' double page spread article on Jamal Edward. The main text is separated from the main image and is also split into three columns. Above the main text will be a big pull quote which said "I will live forever because MUSIC is my life and it will never die", rather than the main image cutting into the other page. on the bottom right of the second page, there will be the 'MIXTAPE' logo and also the page number (which is 31). This will be a design element that would be carried out throughout the magazine. Underneath the main image I plan to make an album cover and place it there so the article will seem more realistic.

Content page flat plan

While planning my content page, I came up with three flat plans so I could decide which one was best for my product. 

This is my first idea for my content page. It is split into two columns  and has two images in it. The title 'Content' is placed centered at the top of the page. I did not follow through with this plan because it seemed a bit plain and not very unique so it would not attract consumers. 

My second plan for my content page was inspired by the 'Vibe Magazine' content page which I came across during my research. The problem with this one is that there is not enough on it but I really thought the image would have been very powerful and I also like the way 'MIXTAPE Content' is written at the top right hand corner of the page as the 'Content' is broken up into 'CONT' and 'ENT'. The 'ENT' part could be interpreted as 'Entertainment'. 

This is my third plan for my content page which i found the best of all three. It is kind of a fusion of the first and second plan because it has columns but  instead of two it has three columns so it can be more organised. It will have two images (the content image in the middle and a poster preview underneath) and also it will say 'MIXTAPE Content' on the top right of the page.

DPS article first draft

MTMMG (More Than Music Media Group) emerge from the south east of London and made it to become one of the most popular producers and photographers. We managed to organise an informal interview with the CEO of MTMMG to see what he had to say about his breakthrough. 
“Can you let us know what you’re all about, like how it all started?”
“ Err basically we started off as just a group of friends way before we ended up at the same college. We knew from back in the day that we all had different talents like for example I play the drums and do a little rap here and there” at this point he looked up while grinning at me in a boastful manner. “Joe has always been a good…I mean GREAT photographer and same applies for Tee’s editing. Well one day a teacher at my college suggested we make a media group. I thought this was a decent idea so I went on to tell the others. We spent a couple of days spreading the news on blackberry messenger, Facebook and at the town centre after college. Like a week later we decided we were gonna do a promo photo shoot.”
“So how did MTM make it? ”
“Well after the successful promo photo shoot, we made a Facebook page for MTMMG and asked people to support us on twitter which helped us get noticed. Before long we started to get tweets from big UK rappers like Giggs and Skepta which really made us jumpy. It’s still not easy to get to grip with the fact that they tweeted us, not the other way round. But yeah that’s how we were heard. I guess this is a nice fun way to make money. The fames alright as well cause people notice us now but the moneys the motive at the moment.”
“So Raymond, where do you see MTM in a few years?”
His face lights up again like a child getting a new toy as he looks up at me. “Hmm it’s hard to predict where MTM will be in a few years but let’s say it continues going well with all the support we have from everyone, we would be known worldwide and meet artists such as Jay Z.” He puts his feet up illustrating his comfort. “Considering we started MTM last august and we’ve made it this far in just 5 months,” he continued, “in a few years MTM might possibly have its own record label and if you check the MTMMG Facebook page you would have noticed that we are looking for talented youth who would be interested in joining the group. Joe, Tee and I have had discussions about expanding the group slightly so we can get to more places and accomplish a lot more. “
“ABOUT YOU’RE MUSIC. You’re also quite a distinctive rapper. How does it feel to be one of the only rappers doing the hood stuff?”
“ Yeah its good ya’know. Everyday were writing a new page in history you get me? The hood stuff is a whole new scene we’re building so it’s a good look. People always ask if I would ever change my style of music, like consider pop or something but that’s not what I’m going after. Obviously I can make my music popular without changing my style to pop or something. It’s like Jay Z, he also makes gangster tunes n they still end up on the charts so why can’t I?”
“So you’re album is coming out soon, who has been producing you’re music?”
“At the moment MTMMG produce our own music to help promote ourselves but we’ve got other major UK producers like ‘Boom Productions’ etc. so we keep them on hold for future references. You’ll never know if we need them later.”
“Have you got any collaboration with other artists in your album?”
“Nah this is my first album init so if it’s a real banger I want to know I did it by myself. Also I want people to recognise MY talent and MY style but obviously albums and mixtapes after this one will feature other artists. Get me heard by different groups of people. I’d love to work with other UK rappers like Krept and Konan because they are just lyrical geniuses so I would have to step up my game.”

It was great talking to the CEO of MTMMG; they are new but on their way to the top so watch out for them. You can also catch them on Facebook at or follow them on Twitter: @MTMMG.