Wednesday 18 April 2012

Content page flat plan

While planning my content page, I came up with three flat plans so I could decide which one was best for my product. 

This is my first idea for my content page. It is split into two columns  and has two images in it. The title 'Content' is placed centered at the top of the page. I did not follow through with this plan because it seemed a bit plain and not very unique so it would not attract consumers. 

My second plan for my content page was inspired by the 'Vibe Magazine' content page which I came across during my research. The problem with this one is that there is not enough on it but I really thought the image would have been very powerful and I also like the way 'MIXTAPE Content' is written at the top right hand corner of the page as the 'Content' is broken up into 'CONT' and 'ENT'. The 'ENT' part could be interpreted as 'Entertainment'. 

This is my third plan for my content page which i found the best of all three. It is kind of a fusion of the first and second plan because it has columns but  instead of two it has three columns so it can be more organised. It will have two images (the content image in the middle and a poster preview underneath) and also it will say 'MIXTAPE Content' on the top right of the page.

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